As we enter the final days of the short session, it only seems fitting that our legislative days extend into the twilight of each day, as well. However, this past week was a productive one, packed with late-night debates, filibusters, and continuous wins for Southeast Nebraska. This week, I would like to highlight some of the bills that were passed by the legislature last Thursday.
The legislature unanimously passed LB 910, which was introduced by Senator Riepe. This bill was brought forward by Nebraska City Police Sgt. Chris Richardson (and his K9 partner Mack), which allows licensed EMS personnel to transport and provide critical medical care for law enforcement canines injured in the line of duty. This legislation underscores our dedication to providing assistance to every aspect of our law enforcement community, with the aim of improving safety and care in Nebraska.
Senator DeKay’s LB 1301 was also passed by our legislature and pertains to the Foreign-owned Real Estate National Security Act. This legislation amends our statutes to impose stricter limitations on foreign ownership of agricultural land. Given the current extent of foreign-own land in Nebraska, which surpasses 691,000 acres, this legislation represents an important stride in safeguarding our agricultural resources against any potential threats by foreign adversaries.
The legislature also passed LB 1030, introduced by Senator Bostelman, which creates the County Bridge Match Working Group. This group will be tasked with overseeing the distribution of grants for county bridge projects, supported by funding transfers from the Road Operations Cash Fund. This bill is especially important for rural areas in Southeast Nebraska, where strong infrastructure supports our local economy and agriculture. This is a step forward in improving the safety and dependability of travel throughout our state.
Senator Hardin’s LB 1120 was passed by the legislature. This bill seeks to prohibit the purchase of land within a 10-mile radius of military installations by individuals or entities affiliated with foreign adversaries. This measure is significant to Nebraska as the preservation of land around our military bases is crucial not only for national security but also for maintaining the economic stability of the surrounding communities. This bill demonstrates our dedication to protecting Nebraska’s military installations and agricultural lands from foreign threats.
As always, I welcome your input on issues important to you. Follow along on my Facebook and Twitter pages, both entitled “Senator Julie Slama” for more updates, or contact me directly at Senator Julie Slama, District 1 State Capitol, PO Box 94604, Lincoln NE 68509-4604; telephone: 402-471-2733; email: